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Arton Sponsors Montenegro National Day Event At Expo 2020 Dubai

Arton Sponsors Montenegro National Day Event At Expo 2020 Dubai

Key leaders gather to celebrate important milestones at the Montenegro Pavillion and the future of investing in the nation’s acclaimed Citizenship by Investment Program.

In partnership with the Montenegro Pavillion at Expo 2020 Dubai, the world’s largest global fair — Arton Capital invited government officials, industry leaders, and members of the diaspora from both Montenegro and the United Arab Emirates to celebrate Montenegro’s National Day and present key opportunities of the thriving nation on the global stage.  

Montenegro has been at the forefront of many economic and social advancements over the past decade, and as one of the fastest growing economies in the Balkans, has also quickly become a key destination for investors seeking mobility, security, and increased quality of life.  

With the successful launch of its Citizenship by Investment program in 2020, the Montenegrin Cabinet underlined their commitment to allow the globally acclaimed CIP to further the country’s development plan.  

“Montenegro has become a key destination desired by some of the world’s most affluent investors, offering access to a quality European lifestyle, booming market, and a powerful passport,” shares Armand Arton, Founder and President of Arton Capital — a leading financial advisory firm specializing in investor programs for residence and citizenship and Authorized Agent for Montenegro’s Citizenship-by-Investment Program. 

While Montenegro’s program still proves to be one of the most competitive in Europe, with a starting investment of €250,000, and a donation of €200,000, it has additionally closed negotiations for accession into the European Union by 2025. 

“Montenegro’s program provides investors with a unique opportunity at a critical time in history,” shares Miloš Stojanović, Program and Managing Director of Arton Capital Montenegro. “It is an investment that not only grants immediate advantages, but that will continue to yield greater benefits for generations to come.” 

While presented with the unique investment opportunity, honored guests and global visitors immersed themselves in the nation’s incredible culture throughout the Pavilion’s interactive totem which displays Montenegro as ‘the most beautiful encounter between land and sea’. 

Long considered the pearl of the Balkans, Montenegro represents the ideal symbiosis between a natural and modern world. As the very first country in the world to declare itself an Ecological State, in 1991, the Parliament of Montenegro signed a forward-looking declaration which acknowledged the deeply rooted bond existing between man and nature, and which firmly stated the urgency of collective action for environmental protection. 

“We are at the peak of mobility, where the pace of human movement has never been this fast; yet will never be this slow again,” shares Arton. “It is during times like these where we understand the vitality of having a second passport for increased mobility, to ultimately ensure safety and security when we need it most.” 

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